We take Afforestation work, by creating Forest using Miyawaki Method which is Smart,
100% Organic, Wild & Self sustaining, which in turn helps restore the Earths Delicate Ecosystem in its own way.

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About Us

Welcome To Forest Creators!

We at Forest Creators believe that Development and Afforestation are not mutually exclusive, we want to demonstrate this by giving forests a new definition; one that is relevant in this rapidly developing world. We want development, but we also want out nature to be preserved.

We want Factories, But we also want to be Carbon Neutral manufacturing products. We want Better & Wider Roads, Rail & air connectivity to reach our loved ones faster,safer but we also want to save the earth from the green house emissions.


Our mission is to bring back our lost forests, we do it by creating them using Miyawaki Method.


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Our Features

Water Management

Enhanced storm water management and water quality: Vegetation reduces runoff and improves water quality by absorbing and filtering rainwater.

Save Enery

The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to ten room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day.

Heat Islands

Trees cool the city by up to 13% by shading our homes and streets, breaking up urban “heat islands” and releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves.

Carbon Sequestration

Carbon sequestration is simply the intake and storage of the element carbon. Because they soak up the carbon that would otherwise rise up and trap heat in the atmosphere, trees and plants are important players in efforts to stave off global warming in a process called climate change mitigation.


Save The Plant & Create A Green Forest

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Know More


Selection of plant species based on soil climate and usage; plantation..


Selection of plant species based on soil climate and usage; plantation..


Selection of plant species based on soil climate and usage; plantation..


Selection of plant species based on soil climate and usage; plantation..

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Firstname Surname

Company Name

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